A blog by two chemists working in chemistry and chemical biology

Sunday 20 January 2013

the stirrer bar

As you might be able to tell this is a new blog making it's way out into the big bad world wide web. Hopefully the title implies that this is going to be a science blog, and the fact that it's written by a couple of chemistry graduates probably gives you an idea of our area of interest. 

There are many chemistry blogs out there already and seeing as neither of us works on total synthesis (which is covered very well by other blogs here and here) or the pharmaceutical industry (covered excellently here) so we are going to try to write about our major area of interest namely chemistry at the interface of chemistry and biology. 

We are hoping that the blog can become a bit of a resource for people looking to learn a bit of new chemistry and so we are going to put up some named reaction posts and synthesis we like, but also posts on broader scientific areas we find interesting. Hopefully someone other than us two will find it interesting as well...